Sometimes you may need such a script, which lets you access to an array fields with string having dots as a depth delimiter. Let’s have an array:
$array = array( 'women' => array( 'cloths' => 'always lack', 'money' => 'never enough', 'mind' => 'calm', ), 'men' => array( 'cloths' => 'whatever', 'money' => 'hidden', 'mind' => 'reckless', ), );
Normally it looks like this:
echo $array['men']['cloths'];
But for the code clarity and also other benefits you could use it this way:
$da = new Picios\Lib\DottedArray($array); echo $da->get('men.cloths');
In both cases the output will be:
So what the hell is that for, if the code is longer and it requires using additional class?
Now the benefits
code clarity
Like I said earlier, the code clarity. It’s easier to read and write
easy controll
Moreover if you try to get to not existing array index with the code:
echo $array['women']['head'];
you’ll get a notice of undefined index. To prevent this, we use condition
if (array_key_exists('head', $array['women'])) { echo $array['women']['head']; }
if ($da->get('women.head')) { echo $da->get('women.head'); }
you can always extend the basic functionality of a class.
class MySession extends Picios\Lib\DottedArray { public function getUser() { return $this->get(''); } public function isLoggedIn() { return $this->get('') ? true : false; } }
and then use it
$mysession = new MySession($_SESSION); if ($mysession->isLoggedIn()) { var_dump($mysession->getUser()); }
Here’s a complete source code of the class. The snippet is a part of my own framework.
Use it well nerds
<?php /** * Get or Set array node using dot notation * * @author picios * @copyright (c) 2016, picios */ namespace Picios\Lib; class DottedArray { private $array = array(); public function __construct($array) { $this->array = $array; } public function set($key, $value = true) { $reference = & $this->getReference($key, true); $reference = $value; } public function &get($key = false) { if (!$key) { return $this->array; } return $this->getReference($key); } public function delete($key) { $keys = explode('.', $key); if (count($keys) < 2) { unset($this->array[$keys[0]]); return true; } $lastKeyToDelete = array_pop($keys); $longKey = implode('.', $keys); $reference = & $this->getReference($longKey); unset($reference[$lastKeyToDelete]); } protected function &getReference($key, $forWritting = false) { $keys = explode('.', $key); $reference = & $this->array; foreach ($keys as $levelKey) { if ($forWritting || isset($reference[$levelKey])) { $reference = & $reference[$levelKey]; } else { $result = null; return $result; } } return $reference; } }
You can also download it from
KpaX says:
hmm, does it work? If does, it’s beautiful
hey@ter says:
hi, it’s awesome. Works for me :*
AnDrew says:
Wow, I this is what Ive been searching for. Thanks dude